2. Collect supplies: large boxes (rectangular), gold spray paint, acrylic paint, painter's tape, masking tape. duck tape, box cutter, styrofoam , yard stick, styrofoam head, wire hangers, old long shirt, bubble wrap, plastic candy cane, newspaper, wood beads, white four, dowels, and rope.
Cut the width of the box in half and tape the sides. Pulled the ends closer to have a narrower bottom. Make a template for the headdress and fit the styrofoam head. Attach the styrofoam head and headdress to the box.
Use tape to secure the headdress to styrofoam for added dimension.
Break plastic candy cane and attach to dowel for crook . Twist a piece of cardboard and attach to dowel for flail.
Attached a piece of half-moon shape cardboard to box and add another sheet of card to give the structure a curve .
Cut long strips of cardboard for molding the sides of the sarcophagus . Cut a wider piece for the middle. Draw hieroglyphics on the wider piece and cut out the drawings.
Place the wider piece with hieroglyphics in the middle and the smaller pieces are molded all around the sarcophagus. Secure the sarcophagus with tape.
Cut out Styrofoam headdress and add to cardboard headdress for depth.
The styrofoam for the arms were switch to bubble warp cause it look better and was lighter.
Attached a piece of wire hanger for the beard.
measure the length of the beard.
Start paper maché early because you will have a lot to do and it takes a long time to dry.
Add strips of cardboard along the sarcophagus .
Papermaché the entire sarcophagus . Make the flour/water mixture thick (like pancake batter) not watery . Give it 2 days to dry properly. Use a heater if possible.
Draw designs.
Use 3D paint and follow the lines of your pattern.
After the 3D paint dries (1 day), Paint the entire structure with white, flat house paint. Let it dry for a day also.
String wood beads for the flail. Spray the entire structure with gold paint.
Now the texture created by the 3D paint is visible when the gold paint dries. Use the acrylic paint to paint your designs.
Use the painter's tape to make your pattern for the headdress . Remove tape when paint dries.
Paint wood pieces for necklace.